Aristotle "Moonshine of Neva" took part in the International Cat Show "Always Kotov"


18-19 May 2023 - Moscow Aristotle "Moonshine of Neva" took part in the International Cat Show "Always Kotov".

With great respect, we would like to express our gratitude to the organizers of the exhibition "Always Kotov" - the Felis club Olga Abramova - for the opportunity to take part in this event, which allowed us, along with other cat breeders, to gather under one roof and share our love for cats😻. We are glad that we were able to become a part of this event and are very grateful for organizing such an interesting and memorable event, which became possible thanks to your professionalism.

Our results:

  • Closed CACIB
  • Fan show LH/SLH - 3rd place

It was a memorable day for us, thank you very much!

We look forward to the next exhibition.💖

April 6-7, 2024 Baloo took part in the exhibition "Silver Jubilee 25 years"


6-7 April 2024 Ball Moonshine of Neva @catberry_nevamasquerade took part in the International Cat Show "Silver Jubilee 25 years", in the Republic of Karelia.

Balu participated in many competitions over 2 days and performed very well. Was recognized as the best cat out of 100 cats and cats according to the audience! 💪🥰❤️

The judges noted his strong muscles, correct posture, said pleasant words about the color of his eyes and noted his amazing character. We are very proud of our wonderful boy! 😻

For two days he really worked, showing off his beauty. At the end of the event, proud and tired, Baloo returned home, where delicious treats and a cozy bed awaited him..

So, our prizes:

  • People's Choice Award;

  • CACJ;

  • WFC Ring Kitten and Junior - 4th place (Elena Ignatova);

  • Boys' show - 3rd place "Come on, boys" (cats, kittens, castrati males of all ages (Elena Ignatova);

  • Show longhair and semi-longhair (SH+SLH), all ages 5th place (Elena Ignatova),

  • Black Star Show - 5th place (with color a,b,c,n and black modifications) all ages (Elena Ignatova);

  • Aboriginal breed show - 9th place (MCO, POL, SIB, KBL, KBS) all ages (Igor Bodunov);

  • WFC Ring Kitten and Junior - 10th place (Ekaterina Drozhzhina

Moonshine of Neva


insta: @catberry_nevamasquerade

Aris took part in the International Cat Show “Felina Belissima 15”


Aris took part in the International Cat Show “Felina Belissima 15”

We share the results:

  • CAC closed (champion title)

  • Opened CACIB

  • Best nomination, judge Olga Abramova @olga_abramova_felis, WCF AB)

  • WCF ring adult - 6th place (Galina Kamenskaya, WCF AB)

  • FAN SHOW Boys - 5th place (Olga Kuznetsova, WCF AB)

  • WCF ring adult - 8th place (judge: Olga Kuznetsova, WCF AB)

  • Fan show of forest cats - 9th place (Olga Kuznetsova, WCF AB)

Part in the International Cat Show “Felina Belissima 15"


Nomination Best, judge Olga Abramova @olga_abramova_felis , WCF AB)

Participation in the exhibition dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Felis club in Moskvorechye


Judge: Evgeniy Mechkovsky (Kazakhstan, Astana), international expert of WCF

Wish us luck, friends!

Participation in the exhibition dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Felis club in Moskvorechye


We hasten to share our news. Aristotle Moonshine of Neva took part in the exhibition dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Felis club in Moskvorechye. I must admit there were a lot of competitors and they were older and already established... it was a little scary))))) But we are happy with the result... thank you very much to the organizers for the wonderful exhibition.

We can summarize:

  1. Aristotle discovered the CACIB title (2 marks)

  2. Boys competition - 7th place, judge Mechkovsky Evgeniy WCF-AB

  3. WCF ring – 9th place. Expert: Litvina Marina WCF-AB

September 29, 2023 - Birth of kittens


a little happiness)

We had kittens


Four little fluffy bundles of happiness: Aristotle, Cupid, Ayaya, Adonis

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Sofia Heaven TurMalin*Ru at the International Cat Show "CATS DAY IN LOVE" February 12-13, 2022,.Moscow - Best of Breed Adult Opposite Sex


Sofia Heaven TurMalin*Ru at the International Cat Show "CATS DAY IN LOVE" February 12-13, 2022,. Moscow - Best of Breed female

Song - Zhenya Lubich: “Russian Girl”

Sofya Heaven TurMalin*Ru at the exhibition "CATS' DAY IN LOVE" on February 12-13, 2022,.Moscow


From the bottom of my heart I thank the organizers of the OFO Freya exhibition “Cats in Love” for the magical atmosphere and impeccable organization of the event! A superbly decorated hall, excellent show performance, caring stewards, all this created an unforgettable atmosphere! It was truly a celebration of love for the cat world.. I hope for new meetings and new impressions! The exhibition was absolutely amazing, thank you for your hard work and passion for cats!

Sofya Heaven TurMalin*Ru at the exhibition "CATS' DAY IN LOVE" on February 12-13, 2022,. Moscow,

Expert: Tatyana Esina. - WCF Ring Adult - 8th place

exhibition "DAY OF LOVE CATS" February 12-13, 2022, Moscow


The exhibition "CATS' DAY IN LOVE" and our Sofya Heaven TurMalin*Ru had the following results:

  • Best of Breed Adult Opposite Sex;

  • Best of Breed female;

  • Closed Breed Champion;

  • WCF Ring Adult - 8th place (12.02.2022);

  • Fun Show cats - 6th place (12.02.2022);

  • WCF Ring - 3rd place (13.02.2022)

  • Fun Show cats - 5th place (13.02.2022);

Sofia Heaven TurMalin*Ru at the International Cat Show "RosKosh"


Sofia Heaven TurMalin*Ru at the International Cat Show "RosKosh"

Moscow, February 5 – 6, 2022. Expert: Roman Nitsenko

Exhibition - "RosKosh" - February 5 – 6, 2022.


"RosKosh" Moscow, February 5 – 6, 2022. Sofya Heaven TurMalin*Ru - Best of Breed Adult opposite Sex in the Siberian Specialty Show

Afanasy - Champion Certificate and Diploma


Moscow Cat Festival - organizer of ROO OKLK SOZVEZDIE, WCF

Exhibition experts, judges: Mrs. Tatjana Сernova, Latvia (AB, WCF) Mrs. Olga Sinitsa, Russia (AB, Guest WCF) Mrs. Lyudmila Makarova, Russia (AB, WCF) Mrs. Alla Gudkova, Russia (SH, SOSH, WCF) Mrs. Galina Mazurova, Russia (AB, WCF).