

September 29, 2023 - Birth of kittens


a little happiness)

We had kittens


Four little fluffy bundles of happiness: Aristotle, Cupid, Ayaya, Adonis

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Afanasy - Champion Certificate and Diploma


Moscow Cat Festival - organizer of ROO OKLK SOZVEZDIE, WCF

Exhibition experts, judges: Mrs. Tatjana Сernova, Latvia (AB, WCF) Mrs. Olga Sinitsa, Russia (AB, Guest WCF) Mrs. Lyudmila Makarova, Russia (AB, WCF) Mrs. Alla Gudkova, Russia (SH, SOSH, WCF) Mrs. Galina Mazurova, Russia (AB, WCF).


Neva masquerade cat Afanasy admires the May sunset


One day in May, on the bank of the river, whose waters quietly sang their serenade, sat the Nevsky masquerade cat Afanasy. He was a giant among cats with a magnificent tail and a knowing, intelligent look.. His eyes were full of wisdom and questions, expressing various emotions.

Afanasy looked at the river, and his thoughts jumped in full accordance with the bright bunnies from the setting sun that sparkled on the surface of the water. He recalled his young years of life, how he was taken from his mother and taken on a bus to a new life, hidden in his bosom so that he would not be afraid.

But today he was not happy about his beauty, he was thoughtful, and his thoughts were busy with himself. He felt that his life was full of uncertainty and misunderstanding. And suddenly, as if a ray of sunshine had warmed his heart, he suddenly realized that he was his real life, his real world..

"“I am the Neva Masquerade Cat,” he said to himself. And I belong to this world. At that moment he saw his reflection in the water and smiled. He realized that he did not need any changes or new adventures, because he felt comfortable and free in this world.

And when the sun in the sky began to fade, and the river continued its quiet path to the sea, Athanasius sank to the ground and began to blissfully in his own world. He felt free and harmonious, as if he were on a soft cloud.

He knew that he could die at any moment, but he also understood that this was not the end, but only a transition to a new level. And he was ready to move to this other world at any moment.

So the Neva masquerade cat Afanasy lived his life on the river bank, admiring the May sunset and feeling free and happy. In this world he was a king; his life was full of meaning and joy.

Neva masquerade cats are an important part of human history))


Oh, how I, the Neva masquerade cat Afanasy, love to think about human history! What a miracle, what an amazement! It flows like a stream of amazing intrigues and intricate paths, bending like a pattern on a brocade scarf through centuries and centuries.

Great kings who ruled over people with their will are like me, like I rule over flies in a dark room. They built their empires like I build my blanket fortifications. They fought for their power, like I fight for my toys.. Or those poor, hungry masses who quietly suffered as I suffer from contemplating my empty bowl... Ah, poor people!

And our time is the time of cars and computers, when people can communicate with each other as quickly as I run down the corridor. And this is a time of war and terror, when people destroy each other as easily as I destroy my mice. Ah, but there is beauty in this time too! Beauty in art and literature that attempts to capture our inexhaustible emotional depth.

Thus, the history of mankind is a colossal continuous pattern of people and events that is constantly changing and developing. And we - cats - we are its particles that are trying to understand its meaning.

Ah, but who knows? Perhaps the history of mankind is just a dream of our fascinating masquerade cat?

Neva masquerade cat on a walk in the forest


I, Afanasy, the Neva Masquerade Cat, am not at all a supporter of winter walks in the forest, but this time I liked the walk.

The snow crunched softly under my paws, enveloping me in the breath of winter. I went deep into the forest and saw lights flickering among the snow-covered fir trees. With every step I went deeper into the magic of the winter forest, and suddenly, at the turn of the path, I saw him - the snow king, walking majestically and shimmering with bright lights. It seemed a little transparent, as if it was made of ice and sparkled in the sun with bright reflections.

He smiled at me and invited me to join his winter holiday.

We spent a magical evening running in the fresh air and inhaling the smell of pine needles. The Snow King told me that winter walks in the forest can be the most incredible adventures, if only you discover their wonders.

I learned that the winter forest is a place where every tree and every snowflake has its own story. I felt so comfortable and warm in the company of the snow king that I almost forgot that I had previously avoided winter walks.

Beloved and unique


I am pure in soul and pure in thoughts. I do not pose obstacles and scandals, And, in addition, I am by no means an egoist. I know when to stop. I have the mind and the honor. Well-read, educated and handsome

Just a Tsar - Neva Masquerade Cat Afanasy


Once upon a time there lived a Nevsky masquerade cat Afanasy. Proudly and skillfully he ran through the streets, like the master of the night. His silken fur shone in the sun like a precious robe, and his eyes sparkled like two bright stars in the sky..

The extraordinary beauty and magical power of the cat did not leave city residents indifferent. With wisdom and skill, he predicted the future, helped in difficult times and protected from evil forces, like a guardian of ancient legends.

But the day came when an evil sorcerer plunged the city into darkness and chaos.. People disappeared, houses collapsed, and strange sounds were heard in the night, filling hearts with fear.. Neva masquerade cat Afanasy realized that it was time to intervene.

He went in search of the sorcerer, preparing to fight the darkness. His eyes shone militantly, carrying with them strength and determination.. The battle was fierce, but thanks to his magical abilities and courage, the cat won, drove away evil from the city and returned peace and tranquility to the inhabitants.

So ended this story about a valiant cat who was not afraid to fight evil and help people. His name became a symbol of wisdom, strength and courage, and everyone who met him on their way felt protected and calm.

Let the Neva masquerade cat Afanasy be an example for all of us - no matter what, we can be strong and kind, helping others and protecting them from evil.

Mating with a Neva Masquerade cat


Cat Afanasy

Large Neva Masquerade cat with good breed characteristics. Blood type AA Show dog, with good pedigree. The cat is untied. There are tests for infections.

We expect the same responsibility from our partner and will only accept a cat with tests.

Our beloved Afanasy


When a little cat appears in your house and grows before your eyes, you watch with special tenderness as it turns from a tiny kitten into a big and powerful cat.. I have long been in love with the Neva Masquerade breed and every day I rejoice at the wonderful character and stunning appearance of our Afanasy.

Neva masquerade balls are able to create an atmosphere of harmony and friendship in any home. Their unique appearance and extraordinary intelligence allow me to enjoy every moment spent next to them.. When I look into the eyes of my cat, I see in him not only beauty, but also a soul full of tenderness and devotion.. Our connection covers many areas of life, from games and affection to conversations and silent mutual understanding, looking into each other's eyes. I am very happy that Nafanya appeared in our lives and he has never ceased to amaze me over the years with his unique character and boundless love..



It all started when in the summer of 2014 we got a Neva masquerade cat, Nafanya, who has been delighting us with his character for many years.. Our family was fascinated by Nafanya at first sight. He is incredibly gentle, tactful and smart, quickly won our hearts and charmed all our friends and neighbors. Every day he complements us with his presence and extraordinary energy.. Together with Nathanya, our life has become fuller and more diverse..

Many years have passed since then, and Nafanya still remains an unchanged member of our family.. His character, intelligence and intelligence turned him into our dear favorite. We will always be grateful that fate brought us together, and we hope that Nafanya will continue to delight us with her kindness and warmth in her heart.